
eHaus are New Zealand’s leading designer of energy-efficient homes to the PassiveHaus Standard, with craftsmen builders all over the country certified to build to this exacting standard.

Our relationship with eHaus began when they came to us with an existing WordPress website that wasn’t performing the way it should. We used our WordPress experience and expertise to clean up the system, remove unnecessary plugins, and migrate the site to our premium hosting, resulting in 10-fold improvement in speed and performance overnight!

This led to a great ongoing relationship with eHaus maintaining and developing their site and managing their digital marketing strategy. Most recently, we have worked with their in-house design and marketing team to fully redesign and rebuild the website and launch their new People’s House product range.

One of the more interesting parts of the rebuild is a nifty carbon savings calculator. This allows eHaus staff to enter key details about a certain project which the website uses to calculate the daily carbon savings of an eHaus compared to a regular new home in the same climate zone. As a result, eHaus are able to show the world a running daily total of the amount of carbon emissions saved by eHaus across all their builds since they began!

Visit the website

Our Work:

  • Website development
  • Content creation
  • Digital marketing
    • Google Ads management
    • Facebook advertising
  • Email management and support
  • Videography and editing


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